Birthday Log
- Amy picked up cake, I went to bank
- Ada came over at 2, then Yifu
- got gift, surprised, cried...j/k
- complained about Yifu's hair, impulsively booked haircut appointment
- walked Rasco @ 64th Park
- Rushed back for 4:30 haircut appointment
- Amy came home, went to E-bei for all you can eat
- Ada went to fireworks, rest of us stayed home and waited for food to digest while watching "so you think you can dance"
- sang birthday song with Mu on speaker phone, cut cake (after 2 years of failure, I actually cut through this year's cake...why do I love icecream cakes?!) ate cake
- peacefully spent the last hour or so with Yifu, Amy, and Rasco.
Those who have been following my photostream probably know that my recent photos are taken by my beloved XTi with a lens borrowed from a friend. Now, I can return the lens. Because my even more beloved friends bought me that very same lens! Now I have a brand new one just for myself!!!
Thank you my dears for giving me something I been dreaming of for so long. My parents say that I must have "begged" for this gift, and although I hate to think this way, but maybe I did, subconciously. I don't know how to express my excitement, I can only say thank you so very much (including all those who couldn't be here but drew on the box!).
On top of the awesome gift and the intricate gift wrapping, you guys also spent time with me for a dinner full of great food and laughter. I can't say thank you enough, and I am seriously hoping that I had treated you guys with same amount of heart and soul on your past birthdays.
Thank you everyone who thought of my birthday, and thank you for your wishes! I love you guys!
Now, old cat is going to put very heavy facial cream on and go to sleep, because she was just hit by a big number reality....